April 3, 2013 @ Tiwanaku, Bolivia


Very simple complimentary breakfast

Hotel Nuevo Sol, very good price performance ratio

Tiwanaku, UNESCO #137

Important Pre-Columbian archaeological site in western Bolivia

Massive, solid blocks of a stone

Distinct from any of the other pre-Hispanic empires of the Americas

Cronologico cultural de Bolivia

Museo Ceramica

Dominated a large area of the southern Andes

Tiwanaku monument is characterized by large stones of exceptional workmanship

Bolivian kids

So cute

Ritual and administrative capital of a major state power for ~500 years

Speaker in anicent time

Tiwanaku Municipality, about 72 km (45 mi) west of La Paz

Putuni, residential structure where upscale members used to live

Monolito Fraile

Friar or monk

Monolito Ponce

Ritual still practice today here

Gateway of the Sun

Absolving the heat

Walls around the temple Kalasasaya

Akapana Oeste

Dried pond

Entrada de Kalasasaya

Carved stone tenon-head embedded in wall of Semi-subterranean Temple

Many different styles of tenon heads

Many are damaged

One with an alien face

One with an Asian face

Estela Barbado

Belongs to the Yana-mama religious

Semi-subterranean Temple

Entrada de Kalasasaya

Walls around the temple Kalasasaya

Estela Descabezado

Bolivian woman


The Stonehenge of the Americas

Another man-made platform built on an east-west axis like the Akapana

Plataforma Litica, the largest stone block found in the Tiwanaku Site

Walled and unwalled courts and an esplanade are associated with this structure

Rectangular terraced earthen mound that is faced with megalithic blocks


Highly recommended taking the package tour

The only hotel in town

Restaurant Winay Marka


City of La Paz

Amazing view

Museo Nacional de Arte



Asamblea Legislativa Plurinacional

Templo de la Merced

Built in 1700

Hostel Wild Rover

THE party hostel in La Paz

Cheap coke

Mercado camacho

Paseo Nunez del Prado

Cine Monje Campero

Statue @ El Prado

Sagrados Corazones

Plaza del Obelisco

Monumento al Soldado Desconocido

Zebra crossing

Iglesia de San Francisco

Ken Chan

Restaurant run by the Japanese Society in La Paz

Putuni, residential structure where upscale members used to live

Temple Kalasasaya

Entrada de Kalasasaya

La Paz was established in 1548, in the Andes