Mar & June, 2009 @ LA, SJ & HKG

Ryan - Lokman & Elene*s son

Me & Ryan

Athena & Ethan - Teddy & Rosanna*s twins

Aiden - Vitalis & Heidi*s son

Aiden eating at the table, Citrus eating under the table

Citrus: Aiden, drop me more food

Mom, Aiden & Me

Aiden is not shy at all, this is the first time we met!

Playing with auntie Eva

Aiden: Citrus, you are still hungry?

Aiden: Let me grab you more food

Maggie, Me, Issac, Rosanna, Grandma & Mom

Issac, Me, Maggie & Grandma

Mandy, Issac & Me

Mandy, Maggie & Me

Mom & Issac practicing yoga

Maggie & Me

Issac & Me

Issac, Me & Maggie

Maggie & Issac *sweeping* the floor

My brother*s daugther

2 hours after birth

Shannon & baby

My niece

Me & Aiden are good frienda

Aiden*s favorite key - DELETE!

Aiden playing with cell phone

Wesley & Josh

Josh - Yip & Shirley*s son

Wesley & Josh

Wesley & Josh

Wesley, Samuel, Josh & Shirley

Josh hits his head to the ground to express his madness

Wesley, Samuel, Josh & Shirley

Josh*s room


Josh & Me

Josh is the clone of Shirley

Josh getting ready to go out

Day 2

Day 2

Day 2

Finally my two kids